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Stuttering Therapy 

Stuttering is a neurologically based speech difference. Recognizing this, therapy has undergone significant changes in recent years, shifting from a sole focus on fluency to a more holistic approach that addresses the entire stuttering experience. See below for more information about these changes, and how we would love to help you on your communication journey. 


  • Treating the whole person, not just the stutter 

  • Addressing the psychological and social impacts of stuttering

  • Promoting confident and effective communication, regardless of fluency


  • Moving beyond surface-level fluency measurements or "counting stutters"

  • Evaluating the overall impact of stuttering on a person's life

  • Using tools like the Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering (OASES) to capture the full stuttering experience


  • Focusing on reducing the impact of stuttering rather than eliminating or changing it 

  • Using mindfulness techniques to reduce anxiety and increase awareness

  • Encouraging self-acceptance and reducing avoidance behaviors utilizing principles from Avoidance Reduction Therapy for Stuttering (ARTS®)

  • Promoting self-advocacy and disclosure about stuttering

  • Focusing on overall communication competence rather than just fluency

  • Recognizing the value of connecting with others who stutter

  • ​Viewing stuttering management as a lifelong journey

Stuttering Resources

The National Stuttering Association: Find your local chapter to connect with others

The National Association of Young People Who Stutter: workshops for children, adolescents, parents and adults who stutter.

The Stuttering Foundation: Resources, services, and support to those who stutter and their families.

The Stuttering Association for the Young: National organization that provides support for young people 3-18 who stutter. 

Blank Center for Stuttering: Information related to the CARE model.

Sisskin Stuttering Center: Information related to ARTS®.


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